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Jealousy without cause or purpose

 Jealousy without cause or purpose

Jealousy for no reason or purpose

On one of the roads in my city there was no restaurant, and we would go to the market a distance if one of us craved some sandwiches, and some people took advantage of this opportunity and opened a nearby restaurant on that road, and his restaurant flourished and his customers increased, so it caught fire. Some of them became jealous, and one month after the opening of the first restaurant, there were five restaurants on the same road, all with the same meals and the same method, but what is different about them is that their owners are not from the same household. This also happened to some businesses, such as the trade in clothes or perfumes. People are jealous of each other and envy each other if they see one of them. He has succeeded in something, and I do not mean that they do not seek sustenance, but what I mean is that for years no one has opened a restaurant on this road. So what is the reason for them opening their restaurants at this time? I knew the reason when I was in one of them’s meeting and everyone started mentioning a business, a pastime, or so-and-so, and they mentioned the first owner. A restaurant that makes a lot of money, so some of them heard this and said to themselves: I will open a restaurant to make as much as so-and-so made. It is jealousy but without a goal. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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